The Bowen Island Public Library was once a general store. The Tudor style building was constructed in 1924 by the Union Steamship Company. Today, it is set back from the street with graceful lawns and gardens but it was originally built within the road right-of-way–and nearly demolished as a result.
The store was an active part of the community from 1924 to 1979. The present building has been moved back thirty feet from the road and was completely restored by the Bowen Island Park and Store Use Society and the GVRD (now Metro Vancouver).
What’s New
The Cove Commons Project includes the construction of a 2,800 square foot addition to the library and will house the Annie Laurie Wood Annex and a new home for the Bowen Island Arts Council and Gallery. The addition should be completed in the fall of 2017.
This information was kindly provided by Bowen Museum and Archives.