Vincent Massey is a chip off the old Whistler block. He has been living in Whistler since the 60s when the town was but a mere blip on the tourist radar, and more of a hippie haven for ski bums from all over. He might be a ski bum at heart but Vincent Massey is also a professionally trained potter who studied at the renowned West Surrey College of Art and Design in Farnham, England.
He specialized in traditional English and Japanese methods of stoneware, including firing techniques of wood, salt and raku. His creations are beautifully crafted, high-quality works of art. Each handmade creation is unique, from his ever-popular coffee mugs to his gorgeously sculptural vases. We take you inside his amazing studio at his Whistler home, talk more about his artistic process, and get a glimpse into the life of a professional artist in Whistler.
View more of Vincent’s work & follow him on Facebook.